The last couple of days have seen me spotting a bit. In other words: bleeding! A bit scary, but nothing you can do about it. Without giving Too Much Information (TMI in pregnancy circles) it was pink and not red, which seems sort of okay. Only occurred once per day, but it's something you rather don't want to see.
Anyway, if plum decides to exit now, then it'll exit now, and we may be better off actually as something might be wrong. On the other hand, there is no cramping and I feel good, so plum might as well decide to stay inside. Bleeding can have heaps of causes in early pregnancy, from cystes to a torn mini blood vessel to whatever. Very common according to our midwife. I just rather wished it wouldn't have been in this week, as I have to go to Wellington tomorrow till Friday for a conference where I'll deliver a coaching workshop.
Some distraction may be good for me, although I'm not looking forward to my accommodation at the college, as I've been put in the baracks. Sounds awful, but it means your room is as big as your tiny single bed, and you have to share the bathroom with everyone else on the floor. This is where all the new recruits are housed for 5 months - and everyone else with business at the college. If you're high in rank or more important you can get a chalet - which I've had previously and which is quite nice, but due to the conference the college is packed!
I could take a hotel room, as there is a hotel close by (the college is located in a stupid part of Wellington, 30mins drive from town and there is just nothing close by, no shops, no public transport, no accommodation), but it's tacky and expensive, a lethal combination. There are some friends I could stay with, but they don't know I'm pregnant, I don't want to tell them yet and how much fun is there when I'm heading to bed at 8pm and wake them up at night because I've to pee ten times during the night? Nah, not a good idea. Sooooooo I'm thinking of changing my flight and flying up Thursday night actually. That feels a lot better :-)
Well I've changed my flight to thursday afternoon, which is better. My manager said that I can cancel the whole trip if I want to :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd she also said that the heaters aren't working at the college!! Perfectly timed, it's FREEZING at the moment!! Everybody was wearing their coats inside, total madness, she said.
And I've cancelled my trip :-)