Thursday, October 7, 2010

Entering the medical circus

Today we had our first official appointment with the obstetrician about baby's development, or rather lack of development, which she is very concerned about.

We don't know why baby is not growing well, so there are certain tests to undertake to find or rule out certain causes.

I've already had blood drawn today, to test for infections which are not harmful for me, but very dangerous for unborn babies, like toxoplasmosis and herpes.

Then next week I'll have an amniocentesis (vruchtwaterpunctie) to check for common and uncommon chromosomal abnormalities. Although the earlier bloodtest and the scans don't seem to point in this direction, the lack of growth appears to be a big fat red marker for abnormalities.

Then there is another scan scheduled and another appointment with the OB to discuss the results and the way forward, if there is any.
That's right before the 24 weeks mark - the end of October.

What's the message that came through? The OB seemed very concerned for baby's wellbeing, he may not make it through the next couple of weeks, and an early delivery in October / November in wellington is still very much on the horizon.

How are we holding up? We are quite okay actually, as we already knew about baby being behind and all. Learning the results of the amnio will be scary, and those will take up to three weeks to come back as they have to grow cell cultures and that takes time.
Fast forward to the last week of October please!!!

O and I shouldn't take up running a marathon right now, but I can keep doing what I'm doing, just no strenuous exercise.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Hey There,

    We will keep "duimen" that the results will be ok.
    We hope all is well in the end!!

