Friday, November 19, 2010

At the hospital

This post will be updated during the day, if I feel up to it :-)

8am: arrived at hospital and settled in to our room. Midwife is here too and together we go through the events of the day.

9am: midwife inserts 4 tablets vaginally, which should soften the cervix and dissolve a tube (?) in the cervix so that an opening will be established. Lying on the bed, not allowed to move around till tablets have had time to dissolve.

9.30am: midwife takes temperature and blood pressure. Temp is good, blood pressure is somewhat elevated. Light cramping really low, almost behind pubic hair has started.

9.45am: cramping continues, intensity has grown. Pills are definitely working and quite early according to midwife. DH is off to the hospital cafe for his first coffee of the day. He has installed himself with laptop in the granny chair.

10.30am: cramping continues, intensity is constant now and okay. Midwife is off to an appointment the next 45 mins and the first oral pill is scheduled for 12pm.

11.55am: cramping intensified and started to get very annoying, sharper and nauseating. Took two oral pills, which will kick in fairly quickly and make matters much worse. Also took two paracetamol to start with to take the edge off the contractions. A sick bag is close by.
Just ate a sandwich and half a banana. DH feels somewhat helpless, although he's a nice distraction.
Got a bedpan to use on the toilet to prevent baby and placenta from flushing through, as the need to poo can also be mixed up with the baby coming out. All very glamourous, not. Grrrrtttrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

15.45pm: baby delivered!!! Woohooo!! Now waiting for the placenta to arrive. Pain has subsided for now. A while ago I got a shot in the bum with anti-nausea and a pain killer, as the cramps were awful and I started vomiting. At 3pm I got another set of pills plus another pain killer and just when I started to wonder when the heck this would end I felt something coming through.
The cramps will be back soon for the placenta, but enjoying being pain free for now.

16.45pm: preparations are being made to help the placenta coming out. I've just got another 4 tablets inserted vaginally, which might start contractions again and force the placenta out. But in the meantime I'll also get a drip and am not allowed to eat or drink anything for the next 6 hours in case I need to be brought to theatre for a manual removal under general anaestatics.

17.20pm I'm being prepared for a little surgery to get the placenta out. The obstitrician had two attempts at putting a drip in my arm, but kept hitting a valve. The anasthesist was then called who succesfully put one in ny hand. I look like a casualty from war with all my bandages...!

9pm: we both have been dozing on the bed for the last couple of hours and are now listening to x-factor on the tv (no great reception so only sound on this channel).
The doc came by to obtain consent for my operation at 10pm. This can take up anything from 20 mins to whatever, depending on how firmly the placenta is still attached to the uterus. We'll be staying at the hospital overnight.

21.45pm They've taken me to theater where first the general anaestetic will be administered. The surgery should be done within 20 minutes, but afterwards they'll keep me another half an hour or so for observation. Afterwards they'll return me to our room where DH and I will spend the night.

11.15pm: i'm back!! Woke up crying from anaestatic, got a deja-vu from when I was little and had to get operations in my ears. Operation went really well, no complications, placenta came out easier than thought. Just a very itchy throat from a tube that went in there. But hurray for hospital staff, everyone is really very caring and approachable, this hasn't been a traumatic experience. Worst part were the contractions, but quite surprisingly easily forgotten as soon as pain is over - just like flying to Europe and touching down after 24 hrs in a plane. As soon as you've arrived you forgot about the ordeal. And hugs and love for DH of course, we were in this together and he was lovely :-) BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


  1. ok i'm feeling tearful now and overawed at the bravery of you both. Love and strength, xx P

  2. Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa ( may be another solution to itchy throat. i know a lot of people use it, its also non alcoholic, though it's effectiveness is not as good as alcohol based cough medicine, but it's still good to use on not so serious itchy throat. Hope you are getting well soon!!!
