Friday, August 6, 2010

A baby!!!!

I saw the baby this morning!!!! There really is one!!!! Jumping up and down, moving arms and legs. A feisty heartbeat of 160-170.

And already very stubborn, taking a rest when the technician wanted to measure the nuchal fold. He ordered me to cough, hold my breath and expand my belly, but nothing helped to get baby moving again. Anyway, the measurements seemed encouraging and combined with the bloodtests they'll give us an idea of the likelyhood of a child with chromosomal abnormalities. Those results are expected next week.

All in all wonderful. Just a pity that DH couldn't be there as he came down from Wellington with a nasty foodpoisoning or flu, and spent yesterday and last night on the toilet. Hopefully that'll be over soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Oh lieverds, gefeliciteerd! Wat super fijn dat het zo goed gaat. Bijzonder om te zien he? Zo'n klein mensje dat zo druk beweegt. Jammer dat Age er niet bij kon zijn; beterschap!

    Heel veel liefs Elbrich
