Saturday, August 7, 2010

Changed due date

According to the measurements at the scan yesterday, our due date has changed from 14 feb to 11 feb.

This means I've suddenly jumped from week 12 to week 13, and we can say goodbye to peach and hello to lemon. Lemon is 7.6cm and 42 grams.

Woohoooo, we have a lemon!!!!


  1. So pleased to hear all Ok! Wanda

  2. That's an easy 3 days of pregnancy!

    Congratulations that he/she is really there! And looking good! Did you get some nice pictures for DH?

  3. Hi Evelyn - Many many all sounds quite fabulous a mum to be - I shall watch your blog with interest from now on. Your mother is over the moon - very excited. Would love some pics if you ever have time of your and your DH..fondest wishes from your cousin -once removed - I think, Connie XXX

  4. Well, I they say here. Congratulations - we are also over the moon. Will follow progress with great interest. Who is DH?
    Marjan, Peter and Caroline who happens to be home at the moment
